Prosthetic Teeth

What is Prosthetic Teeth?

A prosthetic tooth is a denture procedure that is produced to fill the gaps in the mouth caused by lost teeth. While the gaps in the teeth are eliminated, it is aimed to completely correct all the functions in the mouth on the one hand, and to achieve an as natural and beautiful appearance in terms of aesthetics as possible on the other hand.

Types of Prosthetic Teeth

The types of prosthetic teeth may vary according to the patient’s oral structure, the texture and location of the gap where the tooth loss occurred. Therefore, there are dentures that serve many different needs. We can list the types of prosthetic teeth as follows.

Removable Prosthesis

It is a type of prosthesis applied to patients who have lost all or most of their teeth due to tooth and gingival diseases or any other reason. Removable prostheses, popularly called dentures or palatal lift prostheses, are artificial teeth that patients can insert and remove at any time without the help of a doctor. Removable prosthesis is applied to the patient in two different ways.

  1. Complete Dentures: It is applied to patients who have no teeth left in their mouth. Since there are no teeth in the mouth, they are made with the support of oral tissues.
  2. Removable Partial Prostheses: These are prostheses applied to patients who have few teeth left in the mouth and are not suitable for dental bridge with existing teeth. It is applied with the support of oral tissues and teeth left.

Fixed Prosthesis

  1. Dental Bridge: The most common type of dental prosthesis is the dental bridge. Dental bridges are made to cover two or more teeth by bringing them together. As its name suggests, this dental crown is designed to act as a “dental bridge” between two teeth. In some cases, dental bridges can bring more than two teeth together. Dental bridges are a preferred dental prosthesis method when the gap in the patient’s mouth is too wide. The type of dental bridge to be designed and applied is primarily determined according to the gaps in teeth. Dental bridges are produced based on the natural tooth color of the person, and the color of the tooth next to the gap is taken as a reference.
  2. Crown: Crowns are as common a type of dental prosthesis as dental bridges. Crowns, which constitute a part of the dental prosthesis, are therefore known as the simplest and fastest prosthetic treatment. It is possible to produce crowns in almost exactly the same form and color as the tooth structure thanks to new generation dental prosthesis technologies. The main difference between a crown and a dental bridge is that crowns are placed on a single tooth while bridges are placed on two or more teeth. If the tooth is still strong intact to be placed in the pocket due to the damage, it is possible to place a crown on it and then remove the gap. The materials used in the crown can be metal or ceramic. Crowns, which are produced to be almost invisible, integrate with the tooth after the procedure, become compatible and create an aesthetically perfect appearance. If your dentist has placed the crown correctly, you are unlikely to encounter problems such as a prosthetic tooth falling out or a noticeable crown.
  3. Veneers: These are veneers made of porcelain and ceramic supported by zirconium and metal. For a detailed explanation, please click on our Dental Veneers page.
  4. Implant Prosthesis: It is the most expensive but the most long-lasting prosthetic dental treatment method applied in problems caused by missing teeth. For detailed information about implants and implant treatment, please click on our Implant page.

How to Care for Prosthetic Teeth

In order for dental prostheses to be long-lasting, durable and comfortable, after care is as important as the placement of the prosthesis. In other words, the patient has as much responsibility as the dentist. Patients who want their prostheses to be long-lasting and comfortable should pay attention to the followings:

• Prosthetic teeth require brushing and oral care habits to be maintained as usual.
• Patients with dentures or prosthetic teeth risk losing their dentures in a short period of time if they think that they should not brush their teeth.
• No matter how strong they are, prosthetic teeth should always be treated with sensitivity and care.
• Avoiding hard impacts on the mouth and teeth, avoiding excessive consumption of hard or sticky foods and drinks are the things you should pay attention to if you have prosthetic teeth.
• If the dentist has recommended a special care fluid or device, depending on the type of prosthesis, it is important that this product is used regularly and according to the instructions.