
What is Pedodontics?

Pedodontics is a branch of dentistry that aims to protect the oral and dental health of children between the ages of 0-12 and to eliminate problems due to caries, trauma and heredity. Pedodontics is one of the most comprehensive departments of dentistry that covers many issues such as caries treatment in milk and permanent teeth, root canal treatment, treatment of teeth with open apex, placeholder application, preventive orthodontic applications, tooth extraction, emergency intervention to traumatized teeth, dental treatment under general anesthesia and sedation, and gum treatment in children.

Pedodontics Specialist

Pedodontics specialists are those who receive 3-6 years of psychology, child development and behavioral sciences training in addition to intensive dental treatment training to deal with pediatric patients between the ages of 0-12. Pedodontic specialists are entitled to become pedodontic specialists by completing their doctoral education in the pedodontic department of the relevant faculties after graduating from dental faculties. The aim of the pedodontist is to monitor, protect and treat children’s teeth and changes in the structure of the maxillofacial structure from infancy. The importance of pedodontics for children is that they make dental treatment enjoyable and prevent the fear of the dentist. Please contact us for your Pedodontics Istanbul requests. Our pedodontic specialists in our clinic are waiting for your pedodontic appointment request for the health of your children and to perform painless treatments.

Fissure Sealant

Fissure sealants are protective applications that keep teeth healthy for a long time.

Fluorine Application

Fluorine is a natural element that can be applied to both milk and permanent teeth to reduce tooth decay.

Milk Tooth Extraction

Milk teeth are treated so that they remain in the mouth until the permanent teeth erupt, but in some cases,